Cooper Summers

Meet Cooper who we had opportunity to assist with his dental procedure in January 2024. Cooper is a 6-year rat terrier. His mom Leah got him through a family friend, and he's been by her side through the hard times and would always put a smile on his mom’s face. Please read Leah’s testimony and learn more about Cooper. We are delighted that we were able to assist with Cooper going through his dental procedure and now recovering well with his mom Leah.

“One day I found a lump on his chest and took him into the vet to get it examined. The vet wanted to get him up to date on his shots, but financially I couldn't do it at the time, so I just asked them to check his lump. During that exam the lump tested benign, but the vet looked at his teeth and noticed his tooth was fractured and showing signs of infection. I was surprised because he hardly ever shows signs of discomfort. I have received the estimate for the procedure to have his tooth extracted, and on top of that he had to be up to date on his shots for the procedure to be done. The cost was almost as high as my rent so I was going back and forth with the vet what is the priority and how we can split the procedures and not do everything at once. I was looking for loan assistance with rent so I could pay for the procedure when a friend recommended Vega Mobile vet through Facebook. I reached out to them, and unfortunately, they do not handle these kind of cases but have recommended Bear’s Paws organization for financial assistance. When I reached out, Bear’s Paws team were so quick to help me even when my vet was not willing to reach out on my behalf. I’m so grateful Cooper is now home with antibiotics and pain medicine and recovering well thanks to Bear’s Paws!

Lance Buchholz
Little Baby Hopkins

Ms. Crystal reached out to us in September 2023 to ask for assistance with her red nose Pit Bull, Little Baby. We worked directly with Mount Pleasant Animal Hospital in Mount Pleasant, NC to provide support for Little Baby and her mom Crystal. Little Baby was behind with shots and was exhibiting GI issues at the time. We were able to support getting Little Baby up to date with shots and resolution of the tummy issues.

Please see the story of Little Baby and Crystal’s testimony.

“After family tragedy in 2012 in which I have lost my grandparents, I found a puppy in 2013 that was beautiful. It felt as if the puppy has either their spirit or my fathers in him. Since, I found him, he has never left my side and he is ten (10) years old now. He became my reason to go through life, and his personality is something I’ve never seen a dog have. He gave me so much. So, when he got sick, I was devasted. Bear’s Paws was a blessing; you are a blessing and I thank you for what you have done.”

Lance Buchholz
Meet Ms. Perlita Calabacita

We had opportunity to support Perlita and her mom Anna during Mar, Apr, and May 2023, as Perlita was going through the treatment for heart worm disease and pancreatitis. Please read through the note as received from Anna on her sweet pup that is doing well after the treatment she received earlier in the year. We are delighted to hear that Perlita has found such a loving new home and that Bear’s Paws was able to assist them.

 “Miss Perlita Calabacita is an adorable cheweenie pup in her golden years. She recently came into my life when she was found running down a busy road in Durham, NC. She hesitated briefly before deciding to trust me and jump in my car. She's been unwavering and loyal ever since, following me everywhere I go.

 After posting her info on social media and scanning her for a chip, I was able to contact the original owner. Sadly, the owner decided she could no longer afford to care for her, as Perlita was "sick." This was apparent, as she certainly had some GI distress and a persistent dry cough. But her gentle, loving personality was the only thing that was infectious. I just knew I had to find her some help.

 After running blood work and extensive testing, it was confirmed that Perlita was positive for heartworm disease and pancreatitis. Thankfully there are great medical treatments available to help treat her heartworm condition and pancreatitis symptoms. But not without a good deal of medical expenses.

 Unfortunately, Perlita came into my life at a tough time financially. So, I wasn't sure how I was going to make it work. Thankfully, someone had seen my original post about a found dog and offered advice on resources. One of those resources just happened to be Bear's Paws and I'm so glad I reached out to them! They are helping me cover the costs of medical treatments for Perlita. So, I can focus on getting her healthy and provide her with a loving home to live out her years. Here's to many more years ahead!”

Lance Buchholz
Bear Nolasco

In March 2023 we have supported Bear, a Shih Tzu mix, recovery from the car accident. At the time, Bear was seven (7) moths old.

We received request to assist Dr. Oldson regarding her patient Bear in March of 2023. Bear has been hit by a car, and at the time of request the vet office has already started treatment but needed financial assistance to support wound care due to a deep cut injury that Bear suffered on his tummy when hit by the car. Bear’s Paws supported antibiotic treatment and several months of wound care treatment that included bandage change and vet office visits. We are happy to report successful treatment outcome and Bear’s happy returns with his family!

Lance Buchholz
Ella Fitzgerald
Ella Fitzgerald_Bear's Paws_Feb 2020.jpg

March 2023 - In March we marked 3 years anniversary of Ella’s discharge from her oncology treatment. She is doing well and has exceeded the expectations of her treatment. As her mom Leslie stated, “she started her life poorly and deserves the chance to grow old”. We are honored and humbled that we had opportunity to support Ella and get such a great update on an ongoing basis from Leslie! We wish them both many more years of togetherness!

May 2020 - Ella has fully recovered and she has been enjoying beach time with her mom. We would like to thank everyone who has supported us to help Ella get to the full road to the recovery! THANK YOU!

April 2020 - Ella has completed her 6 weeks of cancer treatment and is back home getting to her normal routine with her mom Leslie. Ella is happy and her skin is completely healed. Ella was practicing social distancing and is taking long walks with her mom on their own.

March 2020 - Ella is about 7.5 years old and is a Border Collie mix. She has Stage 1 anal sac adenocarcinoma. She had her surgery earlier in January 2020 and has recovered swiftly! Ella is now in radiation treatments. With all treatments fully completed Ella has great prognosis for a long and happy wiggly life with her mom Leslie!

Ella has been awarded a grant from Bear’s Paws but she still needs additional support for the treatments that are scheduled for her! Please help us support Ella and her mom through this process! Check our Donation page if you can support, and check back with us on the latest update on Ella’s progress.

Marija Buchholz
Meet Murphy
Murphy_Bear's Paws_Jan 2020.png

Meet Murphy, who was a recipient of Bear’s Paws grant that covered costs of the procedure he needed for his heart condition, treated at Armadale Animal Hospital. Murphy’s back home with his mom (Sue) who reported that he’s more comfortable, and that he actually ran up the stairs when they first got back! Thanks to everyone who donated to Bear’s Paws to help Murphy and Sue! Without your support, this would not have been possible.

Murphy was adopted from a No-Kill shelter in Florida, by Sue when he was 7 years old. Murphy had bladder stones and a heart murmur.

When Sue got him home, he didn't know what to do. He didn't know how to ask to go out, he didn't know how to eat from a bowl and he didn't get the concept this was HIS space, or eating area. This concerned Sue so she called the animal shelter and asked what the backstory was for Murphy. After several conversations, it was confirmed that he was found abandoned in an old office building.

In 2014, Murphy and Sue moved to Raleigh, so Sue could get better care for herself, as she has a heart condition as well. Even though Murphy is a senior dog, he still has so much life in his eyes, and whenever Sue asks him if he wants to go for a walk, his eyes just shine and his whole body wags. Murphy stills tries to howl when she plays Michael Jackson song on YouTube.

When Sue was given a chance to bring Murphy some relief from his condition, she cried. He has given her so much, been her constant companion, and Sue feels like she doesn't give him back enough in return. His drugs are very expensive, and the cost comes out of Sue’s limited food budget, because she’s on disability, and there is only so much money to go around. The swelling from Murphy’s heart condition is very hard to live with. Sue knows, because she also has congestive heart failure and lymphedema. Yet with all of Murphy’s ailments, he is still the sweetest dog she has ever met. He even knows when Sue’s not well, and will sit as close to her as he can or he'll just stand there and stare at her because even though Sue says she’s fine, he knows she’s not.

Murphy comes first, because he is everything to Sue.

Marija Buchholz
The Big Give 2019!

We had an honor and a privilege to be part of the Big Give Event! It was an opportunity to share Bear’s Paws mission and raise awareness of the cause that is close to our heart. It was an opportunity to share, listen and learn from other non profit organizations who are committed in helping our NC community was inspiring. We are grateful for Loop Creative team and their continuing support and being part of our journey!

Marija Buchholz
Bear's Paws grant to Armadale Animal Hospital

We were excited to award first Bear’s Paws grant to Dr. Walker at Armadale Animal Hospital on Nov 16, 2019. Funds awarded should assist with alleviating some of the financial burden for dogs that need treatments or diagnostics that are considered emergency, long term illnesses, or alternative therapies. We are looking forward to continuing our support for Armadale dog patience.

Marija Buchholz