Bear’s Paws Foundation, Inc.

Bear’s Paws was formed to help educate and empower dog owners who are faced with making the decision of life saving, and quality of life procedures for their dogs, as well as to provide financial assistance through grants, to help defray the cost of said procedures and treatments.   Funds will be raised through contributions from the general public, grants from government agencies, grants from private foundations, and grants from other public charities.

The mission of the Bear’s Paws focuses on assisting dog owners:

  1. Who cannot afford medical procedures that have impact on quality of life for their dog(s)

  2. Who cannot afford on going pharmaceutical treatments that have impact on quality of life for their dog(s)

  3. Who cannot afford additional quality of life treatments such as:

    1. Cold laser therapy

    2. Acupuncture

    3. Massage therapy

    4. Physical therapy

Bear’s Paws is currently focused on helping dogs and their owners in North Carolina.  We hope the day comes that the organization can help dogs and their owners throughout the U.S.

