Meet Ms. Perlita Calabacita

We had opportunity to support Perlita and her mom Anna during Mar, Apr, and May 2023, as Perlita was going through the treatment for heart worm disease and pancreatitis. Please read through the note as received from Anna on her sweet pup that is doing well after the treatment she received earlier in the year. We are delighted to hear that Perlita has found such a loving new home and that Bear’s Paws was able to assist them.

 “Miss Perlita Calabacita is an adorable cheweenie pup in her golden years. She recently came into my life when she was found running down a busy road in Durham, NC. She hesitated briefly before deciding to trust me and jump in my car. She's been unwavering and loyal ever since, following me everywhere I go.

 After posting her info on social media and scanning her for a chip, I was able to contact the original owner. Sadly, the owner decided she could no longer afford to care for her, as Perlita was "sick." This was apparent, as she certainly had some GI distress and a persistent dry cough. But her gentle, loving personality was the only thing that was infectious. I just knew I had to find her some help.

 After running blood work and extensive testing, it was confirmed that Perlita was positive for heartworm disease and pancreatitis. Thankfully there are great medical treatments available to help treat her heartworm condition and pancreatitis symptoms. But not without a good deal of medical expenses.

 Unfortunately, Perlita came into my life at a tough time financially. So, I wasn't sure how I was going to make it work. Thankfully, someone had seen my original post about a found dog and offered advice on resources. One of those resources just happened to be Bear's Paws and I'm so glad I reached out to them! They are helping me cover the costs of medical treatments for Perlita. So, I can focus on getting her healthy and provide her with a loving home to live out her years. Here's to many more years ahead!”

Lance Buchholz