Little Baby Hopkins

Ms. Crystal reached out to us in September 2023 to ask for assistance with her red nose Pit Bull, Little Baby. We worked directly with Mount Pleasant Animal Hospital in Mount Pleasant, NC to provide support for Little Baby and her mom Crystal. Little Baby was behind with shots and was exhibiting GI issues at the time. We were able to support getting Little Baby up to date with shots and resolution of the tummy issues.

Please see the story of Little Baby and Crystal’s testimony.

“After family tragedy in 2012 in which I have lost my grandparents, I found a puppy in 2013 that was beautiful. It felt as if the puppy has either their spirit or my fathers in him. Since, I found him, he has never left my side and he is ten (10) years old now. He became my reason to go through life, and his personality is something I’ve never seen a dog have. He gave me so much. So, when he got sick, I was devasted. Bear’s Paws was a blessing; you are a blessing and I thank you for what you have done.”

Lance Buchholz