Meet Murphy

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Meet Murphy, who was a recipient of Bear’s Paws grant that covered costs of the procedure he needed for his heart condition, treated at Armadale Animal Hospital. Murphy’s back home with his mom (Sue) who reported that he’s more comfortable, and that he actually ran up the stairs when they first got back! Thanks to everyone who donated to Bear’s Paws to help Murphy and Sue! Without your support, this would not have been possible.

Murphy was adopted from a No-Kill shelter in Florida, by Sue when he was 7 years old. Murphy had bladder stones and a heart murmur.

When Sue got him home, he didn't know what to do. He didn't know how to ask to go out, he didn't know how to eat from a bowl and he didn't get the concept this was HIS space, or eating area. This concerned Sue so she called the animal shelter and asked what the backstory was for Murphy. After several conversations, it was confirmed that he was found abandoned in an old office building.

In 2014, Murphy and Sue moved to Raleigh, so Sue could get better care for herself, as she has a heart condition as well. Even though Murphy is a senior dog, he still has so much life in his eyes, and whenever Sue asks him if he wants to go for a walk, his eyes just shine and his whole body wags. Murphy stills tries to howl when she plays Michael Jackson song on YouTube.

When Sue was given a chance to bring Murphy some relief from his condition, she cried. He has given her so much, been her constant companion, and Sue feels like she doesn't give him back enough in return. His drugs are very expensive, and the cost comes out of Sue’s limited food budget, because she’s on disability, and there is only so much money to go around. The swelling from Murphy’s heart condition is very hard to live with. Sue knows, because she also has congestive heart failure and lymphedema. Yet with all of Murphy’s ailments, he is still the sweetest dog she has ever met. He even knows when Sue’s not well, and will sit as close to her as he can or he'll just stand there and stare at her because even though Sue says she’s fine, he knows she’s not.

Murphy comes first, because he is everything to Sue.

Marija Buchholz